3 - Support Vector Machine

6 minute read

Support Vector Machine is a linear model that can separate classes with a hyperplane. Suppose we are given a feature vector \(a\), and we need to classify the class y either 1 or -1. the linear model forms:

\[f(x) = w^T a +b\]

Here \(w\) is a hyperplane and b is a real number.

For the convenience, we assume the data is linearly separable. Then, there would be numerous or even infinite numbers of decision boundaries or \(w\) and \(b\) that can separate the classes. So, SVM uses the concept of margin, which is the distance between the decision boundary and samples to find out the hyperplane. And in the below decision boundary plot, the margin is the distance between \(H_0\) and \(H_1\).

Decision Boundary

Here \(+\) signs are positives where \(y\) should be 1, and \(-\) signs are negatives where \(y\) should be -1. And the data on the yellow line are support vectors like the one of the data vector \(\vec a\). Using the hyperplane \(\vec w\) and the real number \(b\), we classify data vector:

\(\vec w \cdot \vec a +b \geq 1\), then \(y_i = 1\)

\(\vec w \cdot \vec a + b \leq -1\), then \(y_i = -1\)

In more simplified form,

\[y_i(\vec w \cdot \vec a + b) \geq 1\] \[y_i (\vec w \cdot \vec a +b) -1 \geq 0\]

The dot product of vector \(\vec w\) on vector \(\vec a\) gives the magnitude of \(\vec w\) projected on \(\vec a\) multiplied by the magnitude of \(\vec w\). That is, if this magnitude is bigger than the certain point, we assign positive, and negative otherwise.


Margin between hyperplanes

Now we need to find a vector \(w\) and a real number \(b\) which gives us the largest margin between the support vectors. Suppose \(a_0\) is a point in the hyperplane \(\vec w \cdot \vec a +b = -1\) as in the above plot. To get margin, all we need to calculate is the distance between \(a_0\) and the hyperplane \(\vec w \cdot \vec a +b = 1\). And let’s denote this distance as \(r\). Then, the point in the hyperplane \(\vec w \cdot \vec a +b = 1\) would be:

\[a_0 + r \frac {w}{\| w \|}\]

since \(\frac {w}{\| w \|}\) is a unit normal vector and \(r\) is the distance between the hyperplanes. Now we have:

\[\vec w(a_0 + r \frac{\vec w}{\|w\|}) +b = 1\]

Expanding the equation gives:

\[\vec w \vec a_0 + r \frac{\vec w \vec w}{\|w\|}+b = 1\] \[\vec w \vec a_0 + r \| w\| +b = 1\] \[\vec w \vec a_0 + b = 1 - r \|w\|\] \[1 = 1 - r \| w\|\] \[r = \frac{2} {\| w \|}\]

Therefore, we need to maximize the margin \(\frac {2} {\|w\|}\). This problem is equivalent to minimizing the value of \(\|w\|/2\). Now we need to minimize \(\|w \|\), while fulfilling the condition:

\[y_i (\vec w \cdot \vec a +b) -1 \geq 0\]

Lagrangian Multiplier Method

We can transform this into quadratic programming that is to minimize \(\|w\|^2\). Now this is a constrained optimization, where we can solve it by the Lagrangian multiplier method. Since it becomes quadratic programming, the cost surface is paraboloid with a single global minimum. We can rewrite this into:

\[L(\vec w, b, \lambda) = \frac{1}{2} \| w\|^2 - \sum_{i=1}^N \lambda_i (y_i(w \cdot a_i +b)-1 )\]

where \(\lambda = (\lambda_i, ..., \lambda_N)\)

Setting the derivative of \(L(\vec w, b, \lambda)\) to zero with regard to \(\vec w\) and \(b\), we get:

\[\frac {dL}{dw} = w - \sum_{i=1}^N \lambda_i y_i a_i\] \[w = \sum_{i=1}^N \lambda_i y_i a_i\] \[0 = \sum_{i=1}^N \lambda_i y_i\]

Now we know how to calculate \(\vec w\), the decision vector, which came out to be linear combinations of lambda, class, and data vectors. That is, if we solve for \(\lambda\), we can solve for \(\vec w\).

Instead of solving this original problem, we will solve the dual of the problem. This is because, this way let us just compute the inner products of \(a_i, a_j\), which is important when we solve non-linearly separable problems, while the solution is the same as the solution of the original problem.

Then what is dual problem? instead of minimizing over \(w\) and \(b\) subject to constraints involving \(\lambda\), maximize over \(\lambda\), the dual variable, subject to the relations we obtained above.

The solution must satisfy two relations:

\[w = \sum_{i=1}^N \lambda_i y_i a_i\] \[0 = \sum_{i=1}^N \lambda_i y_i\]

We first substitute \(w\) and \(b\), and get rid of dependency on those variables. Then, we solve for the \(\lambda\) by differentiating the dual problem with regard to \(\lambda\), setting it zero.

Dual problem:

\[\underset{\lambda_i} {\operatorname{max}} L(\lambda_i) = \sum_i^N \lambda_i - \frac {1}{2}\sum_i^N \sum_j^N \lambda_i \lambda_j y_i y_j k(a_i \cdot a_j) - b \sum_{i}^N \lambda_i y_i\]

subject to \(\sum_i^N \lambda_i y_i = 0\), and \(\lambda_i \geq 0\)

Since the last term is zero, we obtain:

\[\underset{\lambda_i} {\operatorname{max}} L(\lambda_i) = \sum_i^N \lambda_i - \frac {1}{2}\sum_i^N \sum_j^N \lambda_i \lambda_j y_i y_j k(a_i \cdot a_j)\]

Now we can get \(\lambda\) by calculating derivative of L with regard to \(\lambda\). With the result of \(\lambda\), we can get \(w\) too.

Hinge Loss

Assume \(\gamma_i = w \cdot a + b\). And function \(C(\gamma_i, y_i)\) compares \(\gamma_i\) with \(y_i\). Then the overall cost function looks like:

\[\frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N C(\gamma_i, y_i)\]

To define the specific cost function we need to consider three cases. First when \(\gamma_i\) and \(y_i\) have different signs, the C must have large magnitude. And C should be much larger, when the magnitude of \(\gamma_i\) gets large.

Second case is when \(\gamma_i\) and \(y_i\) have the same signs, but the magnitude of \(\gamma_i\) is small. Since the magnitude of \(\gamma_i\) is small, it may not classify other nearby points correctly. In this case, C should be small, but not zero.

Third case is when \(\gamma_i\) and \(y_i\) have the same signs, and the magnitude of \(\gamma_i\) is also big. C can be zero in this case.

The hinge loss satisfies above all cases. It takes:

\[C(\gamma_i, y_i) = max(0, 1-y_i \gamma_i)\]

Beside \(C\), we use regularization for preventing overfitting. As a result, the final form of our loss function would be:

\[\underset{w, b}{\operatorname {min}} \lambda \|w\|^2 /2 + \frac{1}{N} \sum_{i=1}^N C(\gamma_i, y_i)\]

\(\lambda\) here is regularization parameter, not Lagrangian multiplier.

Stochastic Gradient Descent

To obtain \(\theta = (w, b)\) that minimizes the loss, we will use stochastic gradient descent.

\[g(\theta) = [(1/N) \sum_{i=1}^N g_i(\theta)] + g_0(u)\]

where \(g_0(u) = \lambda(w^T w)/2\) and \(g_i(\theta) = max(0, 1-y_i\gamma_i)\).

First choose batch size \(N_b\), and step size \(\eta\), which is typically \(\frac{m}{s+n}\), where s = number of steps per season, m = number of variables, and n = number of data.

Split the training dataset into a training part, and a validation part. For the training part, get gradients:

\[p ^{(n)} = - \frac{1}{N_b} (\sum_i \nabla g_i (\theta^{(n)}) ) - \lambda u^{(n)}\]

Then update parameters:

\[u ^{(n+1)} = u^{(n)} + \eta p^{(n)}\]

Finally evaluate the model and parameters by computing accuracy on the validation part.

The gradients for \(\vec w\) is:

\(\lambda w\) if \(y_i (w^T a_i +b) \geq 1\)

\(\lambda w - y_i\) otherwise.

For the gradient \(b\),

0 if \(y_i (w^T a_i +b) \geq 1\)

\(-y_i\) otherwise.


Here is the function code for svm.

def svm(a, b, x, y, reg = 1e-2, n=1000, m=0.05, epoch = 1):
    accuracies = []

    # select batch
    train, _, labels, _ = train_test_split(x, y, test_size=300)

    # predict and concat with zero column
    pred = (np.dot(train, a) + b)*labels
    pred0 = np.vstack((1-pred, np.zeros(pred.shape)) ).T

    # calculate total loss
    loss = np.mean(np.max(pred0, axis=1))+ reg*np.dot(a, a.T)/2

    # count positive, negative numbers for repeat
    pos = np.sum(pred>=1)
    neg = np.sum(pred<1)

    # calculate gradient
    # gradientA: the graident for weight
    # graidentB: the graident for bias
    gradientA = np.zeros((pred.shape[0], len(a) ) )
    gradientB = np.zeros(pred.shape)
    gradientA[pred>=1] = np.repeat(reg*a, pos).reshape(-1,5)
    gradientA[pred<1] = (reg*a-np.multiply(labels.reshape(-1,1), train))[pred<1]
    gradientB[pred<1] = -labels[pred<1]

    # step size
    alpha = m/(epoch+n)

    # update coef
    gradA = np.mean(gradientA, axis=0)
    gradB = np.mean(gradientB)
    a -= alpha*gradA
    b -= alpha*gradB

    return (a,b, accuracies, loss)

To do:

  • Soft margin SVM
  • Kernel Trick


  • CS498: Applied Machine Learning by Professor Trevor Walker
  • Bishop, C. M. (2006). Pattern recognition and machine learning. springer.



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